Maplly Inventory

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Maplly Inventory

By Accordev

Truck inventory: Digitize and manage the truck inventory, create maps for the trucks and increase profitability

Digitize and Sort the Truck Inventory

Warehouse logistics organizing and planning is a significant portion of the daily work that every warehouse manager and worker have to deal with, it is a necessity but a time consuming one, from sorting the truck inventory to manually inserting it into records, assigning the inventory or containers and delivery to trucks, and assigning drivers and routes.

 With Maplly inventory, you can digitize and sort the truck inventory, from pre-loading phase to storing, and then to the loading phase. Having the accuracy and automation at your disposal would save your business time and costs. You can simply create maps for the trucks, assign different trucks to different routes and have the privilege of the real time tracking ability that enables you to keep track of the trucks as the process is going, make modifications to the routes or trucks at different warehouses of your own along the way.

Creating virtual truck maps will help you keep track of the inventory as the trucks are moving, keeping a real time tracking map, and always having the estimated time of arrival available, also you can check the status of the containers and items within the trucks, assisting you in identifying shorter and quicker routes that will save you time and money and reduce estimated delivery time.

Maplly inventory software will make managing the truck inventory a matter of ease, you can drag and drop the items between different levels of your trucks, improving the loading and unloading process speed and precision. By saving time in the initial step, you can guarantee a satisfied customer due to the quick and efficient process that will ensure a faster delivery.

Another advantage is also gained when using Maplly inventory regarding your truck inventory, in the case of stockouts you can sort and keep an accurate record of inventory within truck levels until a space is available again within the warehouse itself, ensuring an organized emergency space when needed.

With maplly inventory, handling the truck inventory is  one of the easiest daily tasks that your warehouse workers will handle. By easily digitizing the inventory, sorting it will be simpler and make the loading and delivery phases quicker leading to a more profitable process as a whole.

Helping the warehouse staff by reducing internal processes within the warehouse, gives more time to be allocated towards other tasks that will assist in reaching better statistics of the overall business.

 Get your chance to improve workflow with Maplly inventory today and preserve an advanced spot in industry with an enhanced method of managing the truck inventory!


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