Maplly Inventory

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Maplly Inventory

By Accordev

The accuracy in record keeping: Preventing the loss of items and containers and preventing losses via precise tracking

Never Lose an Item or a Vault

One of the most attended aspects of inventory and supply chain industries is the matter of precision, as keeping accurate track of containers and items with storing locations, date and details is one important task that must always be fulfilled.

Once an item or a container is lost, the matter of wasted time and resources is inevitable, the work effort that is put into searching and locating the lost item or container is also a tax that the business must afford, but with Maplly inventory software having to deal with lost items and containers is no longer a burden.

The warehouse workers are empowered by Maplly inventory software’s automation of the warehouse management operations, from the virtual warehouse map backup copies, to the scanning features that Maplly provides, workers would be able to keep an accurate track record of items and containers, easily locate them and re-insert their details and new location into the virtual warehouse map.

The ability to switch between the current virtual warehouse map and its backup copies would prevent any undetected moves that has been done without registering, easily providing data regarding any lost item or container without the need to dispatch any work force to attend to this task, instead you can find the item and track it on the virtual map.

Another assisting feature is the scanning feature, with the traditional methods your warehouse workers would have to go through the suspected containers in search for the item, but Maplly’s scanning feature would reduce the time needed for that, as the workers can easily scan QR codes on the containers to check the contents of the container, the QR codes would show:

  • 1. Items QR codes:
    The container’s contents; item names, picture of the items, date in which the item was put into the container and any other details regarding the items like with the case of fragile items.
  • 2. Container’s QR codes:
    The codes are already registered within Maplly’s operating system and are connected to virtual warehouse features, as it shows the date of receiving the container and details regarding handling instructions, like in the case of hazardous materials .

Maplly inventory software helps your business minimize the effort required to face the challenges that are presented by inaccurate records and lost items, it enables your warehouse workers to record their tasks and operations that they perform or are a part of, eliminating the chances of losing an item or a container again.

Embrace the power of digitization with Maplly inventory and give your business the advantage to hold a shiny spot within the growing market of inventory and supply chain industries via simple yet efficient operations done with the assistance of Maplly inventory software. 


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