Maplly Inventory

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Maplly Inventory

By Accordev

Printing QR code labels internally: The benefits of not relying on third parties

Print QR code labels

Technology taking a stronger presence in many aspects of life is indeed a progress in its way, but it is quite the challenge for some industries that have been relying on the traditional methods for a long time. Some industries that rely on precision and detailed coordination like the inventory and supply chain industries.

The inventory and supply chain industries have their cornerstone in the quick and precise warehouse operations, from receiving inventory to sorting and storing it until delivering it or relocating the inventory into other warehouses of the same business.

One of the warehouse management main responsibility is to properly organize and record all incoming inventory and keep an accurate record to make the process of delivery easier with a high invisibility of the inventory, one method to keep a high level of invisibility is QR codes, as QR codes would offer the following benefits to your business:

  • A: Contactless interactions: 
    As QR codes would enable you to identify materials and items without physical contact or moving the containers needlessly in case of hazardous material or even fragile items.
  • B: Accurate data entry: 
    Having QR codes used in your business will make it easier to enter data, retrieve it and have accurate reports from it.
  • C: Improved tracking: 
    When QR codes are attached to containers or pallets, it allows for real time tracking of movement, location and status.

And for all these benefits, many businesses would resort to use QR codes that are printed by third parties, something that most businesses are not keen on, but with Maplly inventory software, you can enhance your own business with printed QR codes, relieving the business from relying on third parties and the delays or negative effects that may arise from importing QR codes from them.

You can print your own QR codes, attach them to containers and items and have a greater peace of mind. It would boost the inventory visibility and eliminate the process of importing QR codes from third parties and the time consumed by this process.

Printing your own QR codes will give your warehouse management considerable advantages:

  • 1. Cost saving: Internally printed QR codes will be more effective than relying on third parties services, and that is the case for large quantities and for frequent updates on the QR codes.
  • 2. Improved inventory management: The QR codes can be used for optimizing operations, and save more time during loading and unloading phases.
  • 3. Enhanced flexibility: By having the ability to print your QR codes internally, emergency stock intakes will not be an issue as you can have your QR codes printed immediately when the need arises.

In conclusion, the ability to print your own QR codes internally with Maplly inventory would grant you a significant evolution in your warehouse management. By harnessing the power of QR technology, the business can improve inventory tracking and operations optimization and eliminate the inefficiencies and inaccuracies that plagued the traditional methods.


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