Maplly Inventory

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Maplly Inventory

By Accordev

Manage your containers with the virtual warehouse: Move, relocate and track the digital containers with Maplly inventory software

Managing the warehouse containers

Whether it is supply chain, inventory or moving industries, one crucial factor is shared amongst them and that is the matter of delivery.

Efficient warehouse management is key for on time delivery, from receiving the inventory to storing it and assigning it into designated containers to the delivery phase. The effective container management is a daunting task without the right tools and technology, this is where Maplly inventory software comes in, a comprehensive solution that can be easily integrated within your system with the ability to simplify and optimize warehouse operations.

The backbone of any storage facility is the warehouse containers, housing a vast array of items and goods, with the process of managing these containers being complex and time consuming especially when it comes to relocation along with the fact that traditional methods relying on paper based records and manual tracking, which leads to errors and misplacement and inefficiencies that results in:

  • Decreased customer satisfaction.
  • Reduced warehouse capacity.
  • Increased labor cost.
  • Delays in product delivery.

Maplly inventory is a cutting edge solution designed to improve warehouse logistics management by providing a virtual warehouse map that enables the warehouse workers to easily manage containers, the innovative platform allows for a simple container relocation.

With accurate and swift container management via the virtual warehouse map, your business will be able to meet delivery time precisely and avoid any mistakes regarding inventory management within the warehouse, as on the virtual map you can move the container across the map, and keep accurate and real time track of it, this gives your warehouse and business these strength point:

  • A: Improve delivery operations:
    With Maplly inventory software’s assistance, you will be able to eliminate the mistakes and inaccuracies that delays the process of delivering containers.
  • B: Enhanced warehouse capacity:
    With the flexibility to move containers around the virtual warehouse, locate and track them easily, it would offer the visibility required to house new items and materials, providing a clear view of capacity and storage locations.
  •   C: Improve Productivity:
    The automated tracking and monitoring offers the warehouse workers the ability to put their focus on more added value tasks, gaining productivity growth and reduction of labor costs.


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