Maplly Inventory

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Maplly Inventory

By Accordev

Inventory and warehouse management software: The accurate KPIs they provide and their role in improving the business

Utilize statistics for better decisions

Being up to date and data driven is one of the pinnacles of modern day businesses no matter which industry or field, but within a massive and hive-like work environment the numbers matter most. Data collection and entry is mostly a manual task for businesses that follow traditional methods, but with Maplly the data and statistics are collected with every step of the automated way.

From the first step of receiving items and materials, the data is collected via QR codes and images taken for the items, to the moment of assigning the items into containers, shelves or pallets, an accurate record of the inventory intake is kept and shown via the virtual warehouse map. 

Step by step the date is inserted with the operation phases as it goes on, you can access the relevant data during the insertion or as statistics at a weekly basis or bi weekly.

Maplly inventory software provides a multitude of analytics tools that assists in optimizing warehouse operations, it also offers key statistics guiding your warehouse management:

1. Inventory turnover:
Understanding inventory turnover rates enables you to optimize stock levels and identify slow moving items, with insights provided, you can improve data driven decisions about inventory replenishment or reduction is vastly improved.

2. Efficient storage utilization:
The efficient use of warehouse storage space and allocating it is crucial, as Maplly inventory software offers real time visibility into the storage utilization allowing for warehouse layout optimization, making the best use of space.

3. Labor utilization:
labor management efficiency is crucial for the warehouse optimization and efficiency, as Maplly provides a clear view into labor utilization, assisting in improving staffing levels and effort thus reducing labor costs, and increasing overall output.

leveraging the comprehensive statistics provided by Maplly you can implement data driven decisions and identify areas of inefficiencies to improve the operations, make informed decisions about warehouse ability to intake more inventory and where to direct more workforce.

Monitoring and analyzing KPIs is easier with Maplly, like the storage turnover rate, order fulfillment rates and the pace that operations take. Using the insights provided by Maplly, you will be able to optimize your inventory management and warehouse operations, save costs and time and stay well informed of every process taking place from inside the warehouse to the delivery.

Get hold of insight provided by the technology and make the best use of the numbers, manage and direct the business resources and labor into making the business most efficient and increase profitability with Maplly inventory software.


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